Lower School Rotational Calendar
Mrs. Witkowski's Office Hours: Day A (both) @ 10:15-10:45 and THRIVE Day @ 1:30-2:30pm
Mrs. Witkowski's Distance Learning Resources:
Mrs. Witkowski's Zoom link
Mrs. Witkowski's Bitmoji Classroom
Unit 5
Please retitle this tab in a manner that is appropriate to your class. i.e. (Unit 1, Week 1, Topic 1, Unit Title)
Please include:
- An image for the unit (top)
- The first item should be the Overarching Understanding Goal(s) for the unit.
- Please rename the tab as appropriate
- Unit description
- Post Rubrics as appropriate for units
- Links to materials
- Exemplars
- Instructions regarding assessments
- Unit specific apps/applications