• Build Build Build!


    One of the best ways to learn about all of those funny little lego pieces and how they work together is to build a range of different models that someone has designed and tested.

    For this unit you and your partner must select at least 2 different models to build.  Make sure that you are choosing something that looks achievable within 2 lessons. It might be worth considering starting with a simple model to begin with and then select a more complex model for your second attempt.

    There are a number of sites that you can use to find a model that interests you.  However, as you build you must pay attention to the clever ways that a particular piece of lego has been used. In addition to this you should choose one of the models mechanisms that intrigues you.

    You will take a photo of the piece and mechanism and place them in your Design Journal.

    Here are some examples of models that can be created using EV3


