Virtual Learning Day - Wednesday, March 11th    (A - DAY)


    Good morning again!
    Today we will start programming using virtual robots. If you are used to programming you will find the beginning stages very simple : ) However, things will get much more complex as we move through the challenges.
    You will need to go to the following website:  www.robomindacademy.com
    Here is an introductory video for you to watch where today's challenge will be explained to you.
    Check your email for username and password information.
    Have a great day
    Mr. Moody

    Virtual Learning Day - Tuesday, March 10th    (B - DAY)


    Good morning again!

    Today we will start programming using virtual robots. If you are used to programming you will find the beginning stages very simple : ) However things will get much more complex as we move through the challenges.

    You will need to go to the following website:  www.robomindacademy.com

    Here is an introductory video for you to watch where today's challenge will be explained to you.

    Check your email for username and password information.

    Have a great day

    Mr. Moody

    Virtual Learning Day - Monday, March 9th    (A - DAY)

    Good morning! 
    Well... it looks like we will have to move to programming robots as we can't build anymore : (

    If you haven't already you should download Fix The Factory app onto your computer or iPad


    This is a great introduction to programming. 
    For today, just go up to through levels 1 through 12

    Good Luck!!

    Virtual Learning Day - Sunday, March 8th

    Mr. Moody's Classes

    Today you will continue to work on your reflections for your motorcycle design and compare and contrast it against the professional Welder design. Some of you have completed the first part of the reflection and can move onto the final two slides. For others this will be your first introduction to the reflection.

    For all of you I have posted a screencast explaining what needs to be completed and my expectations. Please watch the video here. If you have already completed the first part of the reflection continue watching the video from 2.10s.

    Here is a link to the 3 reflection slides

    I will be looking at your journals throughout the day and will leave you feedback on the slides to help you meet the standard.

    Best regards

    Mr. Moody


    Welcome to Robotics!

    Robotics is one of the fastest growing discipline within Engineering.  In this course you are going to  design and build robots for specific purposes and then learn how to program them to perform their tasks successfully.

    Teamwork will be at the forefront of all the challenges, just as it is in the real world. You will be encouraged to bring your strengths to the team and be able to develop ideas....... 

    How to Be Successful

    1. Come to class prepared.

    Be on time and bring all your materials so that class time is productive.

    2. Follow classroom procedures.

    Classroom procedures and expectations will be discussed at the beginning of the school year.  All rules and expectations will focus on creating a successful and positive environment for learning.

    3. Be Productive

    Using your class time wisely is an important individual goal to have every day when you come to the robotics lab.

    4. Display a positive attitude and positive actions towards yourself and others. 

    Robotics class is a positive place for you to participate, make mistakes, take risks and be creative.

    5. Be prepared to get creative and face challenges with a positive attitude.

    After School Learning:
    • I am available on a Thursday after school for students who want / need additional help. Students should speak to me during class to confirm they will meet with me.

    Should you wish to contact me please do so via email: mmoody@aisr.org